Temp-Plates® ensure proper temperatures are reached for autoclave sterilization of medical equipment.

Reusable medical instruments and equipment must be properly sterilized between uses to avoid any potential bacterial transfer between patients.  Hospitals and medical professionals use autoclave sterilizers to achieve sterile equipment

Medical Equipment Sterilization

Temp-Plate® labels are placed on the instrument packaging and then inserted into the autoclave for sterilization.  At temperatures around 121° to 134°C (depending on the equipment being sterilized), the appropriate temperature spots on the Temp-Plate® label will turn, proving that the necessary temperature for sterilization was achieved.  The Temp-Plate® label can then be inserted into a records log as proof that the equipment was properly sterilized.

Wahl 240 Series Standard labels or 101-4 Series Mini labels are popular for this application.

Choose the appropriate label by determining the requirements for sterilizing your equipment.

The 240-121C label


 and 101-4-121C labels are popular choices.

101-4-121C with dimensions

Wahl 240 Series Standard labels and 101-4 Series Mini labels are Made In the USA.

Made in the USA

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